Archive for January 5th, 2015

January 5th, 2015

Amazon Prime – For the Grimm and Giggles (Free Shipping is Nice Too)

I did a 30 day trial of Amazon Prime (and have watched offerings while at friend’s homes) and I must say of the streaming options, it’s nice to have one that offers no commercial options of fairly current shows.

I watched some episodes of Grimm at my sister’s suggestion. It’s not my favorite show, but I like it as a fast watch sort of thing for an escape fix. Anyway I wouldn’t have tried it without Amazon Prime. During my trial I also took advantage of the Free 2 Day Shipping offer too, which was pretty darn nice.

If you’d like a free 30 day trial use the link in this banner and I’ll get a little referral bonus from Amazon!

If you already have Prime, why not give it as a gift to someone? Use this link:
Shop Amazon – Give the Gift of Amazon Prime
I’ll also get a referral for that if you end up gifting Prime to someone after clicking the link above.